Summertime is a time for long naps in the afternoon and wonderful sunsets, right Internet? Well I took a nap today and the dream the appeared was NOT an ordinary dream. See, I began my dream with walking down the side of Highway 59 in the Houston Texas area. This was not abnormal since that is my hometown and all. However, when LADY GAGA and her tour bus stopped next to me, that is when it began to jump out of the ordinary. Lady Gaga stopped and began to walk alongside me. We discussed such things as politics and religion. I know, weird right? Well she then asked why I was walking. I told her my car was not with me. She simply stated then that she would buy me one.
So we walked until we found a service station for a dealership. However, there were no cars. Upon finding this out, we then began our trip back to her tour bus and the highway. However, upon reaching said bus, it had turned into a boat on a river...that was once Highway 59. It does not stop there though. Lady Gaga then tethers me to her boat and begins to drag me behind it as if I am water skiing. I have never done so in my life, so that was a bit odd as well. She takes the wheel of the boat and begins to make these ridiculous turns in the river quite rapidly. The line I am tethered with is so taunt that it takes out random trees which are standing in the river! I have to begin dodging tree limbs flying at my face as Lady Gaga laughs hysterically at me. We continue on this path, until we magically reach my OKLAHOMA. No clue. She then unties me and apologizes for not being able to buy me a car. I say it is no big deal since I own a working and wonderful '89 Buick. She then waves and carries off into the setting fog.
My husband, upon realizing that I was with Lady Gaga, gets supremely pissed at me. We don't speak a word to each other for a week. Then a delivery arrives for me...from Lady Gaga...a beautiful Maserati Grand Turismo. I take it for a spin and it drives like a dream (funny huh...) but then my husband demands to drive it. He is so pissed at me for hanging out with Lady Gaga that he WRECKS MY NEW CAR. As I am yelling at him, I wake up. Now, Internet, what do you think this dream means? Anything? Or is it just a summertime fever dream? I guess I will never know.
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